Début 2013, le label Satanic Royalty sort V.I.H.S., premier LP, reçu par une critique conquise. Suivent l’EP “NGHTMR”, puis l’album, plus intimiste, “BORE”, en 2014, disponibles sur bandcamp.
Les compositions solitaires s’émancipent sur scène avec une formation quintette, voyant passer Alice de J.C.Satàn à la basse, et Johan Gustafsson de Black Bug à la guitare.
Lonely Walk se compose aujourd’hui de :
-Mickaël Appollinaire (chant/compo), joue aussi dans Strasbourg.
-Baptiste Averty (synthés), leader du groupe Mabrouk.
-Guillaume Cassagnol (basse), joue aussi dans Magneto et Mabrouk.
-Yasade Lecointre (guitare), cofondateur du label Simple music experience.
-Théo Delaunay (batterie), joue dans panoptique et Conditionnel et également membre de Simple music experience.
Lonely Walk se compose aujourd’hui de :
-Mickaël Appollinaire (chant/compo), joue aussi dans Strasbourg.
-Baptiste Averty (synthés), leader du groupe Mabrouk.
-Guillaume Cassagnol (basse), joue aussi dans Magneto et Mabrouk.
-Yasade Lecointre (guitare), cofondateur du label Simple music experience.
-Théo Delaunay (batterie), joue dans panoptique et Conditionnel et également membre de Simple music experience.
Et voilà qu’arrive en cette fin 2015 “TEEN”, sur le label Born Bad Records, premier enregistrement en groupe de Lonely Walk, au studio Mikrokosm à Lyon.
Onze titres sombres, révoltés et addictifs. Un post-punk hypnotique, s’amourachant de pop et s’octroyant quelques haltes psychédéliques, mené par un chant obsédant aux slogans qui font mouche.
Des cris innocents et joyeux d’enfants sortant d’une cour d’école (Burial Tomb) en passant par le violon épique de Tamara Goukassova (War et Black Dragonfish), Lonely Walk nous embarque dans un univers de fin du monde. Mais pas celle qu’on redoute. Celle qu’on attend avec excitation en gardant les yeux bien ouverts et en buvant un cocktail à l’azote liquide bon marché.
Pour les influences, on peut citer A-Frames, Sparks ou encore Depeche Mode, mais il faut plutôt chercher du côté de l’Australie pour trouver des cousins à Lonely Walk, et plus précisément du côté d’Eddy Current Suppression Ring et de Total Control.
On doit le crâne à l’œil bleu masqué derrière des mains sur la pochette à celles de Greg Vezon.
In the beginning, Lonely Walk was a post-apocalyptic and personal digression created by Mickael Appollinaire, AKA Monsieur Crane, being also a dark preacher in the band Strasbourg. Based in Bordeaux, South-West of France, he smoked out the blogosphere by releasing several digital Eps between 2010 and 2013, all available on Bandcamp. The record label Satanic Royalty released V.I.H.S., Lonely Walk’s first LP in stores in 2013, which was well received by the critics. Then followed the NGHTMR EP, then a more personal album called BORE in 2014.
satanic-royalty.bandcamp.com/album/lonely-walk-v-i-h-s) All these secluded compositions came on stage radically changed with the addition of a 5-piece live band, which counted Alice from JC Satàn on the bass guitar and Johan Gustafsson from Black Bug in its ranks.
Lonely Walk is now composed of :
− Mickaël Appollinaire (singer, songwriter), playing also in Strasbourg ;
− Baptiste Averty (keyboards), leader from Mabrouk ;
− Guillaume Cassagnol (bass guitar), playing in Magneto and Mabrouk ;
− Yasade Lecointre (guitar), cofounder of the label Simple Music Experience ;
− Théo Delaunay (drums), playing in panoptique, Conditionnel, and also a member of Simple Music Experience.
The label BORN BAD RECORDS will release the album TEEN at the end of 2015, Lonely Walk’s first album recorded with the live band in the studio Mikrokosm in Lyon, France. What can we hear on this record ?
Eleven dark and addictive songs. A hypnotic post-punk slumming it with pop and making a few psychedelic stops, led by an obsessive singing with catchy slogans.Happy innocent children shout because school’s out (Burial Tomb), the epic violin of Tamara Goukassova shreds the toxic atmosphere (War, Black Dragonfish). To cut a long story short, Lonely Walk takes us right to Doomsday, but not the one we dread. The one we crave for, eyes wide open and dilated pupils, drinking a nice and cheap cocktail of liquid nitrogen.
One can think of Clinic, Soft Moon or A-Frames, but you must look towards Australia to find cousins to Lonely Walk, with bands like Eddy Current Suppression Ring or Total Control.
The album artwork representing a one-eyed skull hiding it shame behind hands was conceived by graphic designer Greg Vezon.
satanic-royalty.bandcamp.com/album/lonely-walk-v-i-h-s) All these secluded compositions came on stage radically changed with the addition of a 5-piece live band, which counted Alice from JC Satàn on the bass guitar and Johan Gustafsson from Black Bug in its ranks.
Lonely Walk is now composed of :
− Mickaël Appollinaire (singer, songwriter), playing also in Strasbourg ;
− Baptiste Averty (keyboards), leader from Mabrouk ;
− Guillaume Cassagnol (bass guitar), playing in Magneto and Mabrouk ;
− Yasade Lecointre (guitar), cofounder of the label Simple Music Experience ;
− Théo Delaunay (drums), playing in panoptique, Conditionnel, and also a member of Simple Music Experience.
The label BORN BAD RECORDS will release the album TEEN at the end of 2015, Lonely Walk’s first album recorded with the live band in the studio Mikrokosm in Lyon, France. What can we hear on this record ?
Eleven dark and addictive songs. A hypnotic post-punk slumming it with pop and making a few psychedelic stops, led by an obsessive singing with catchy slogans.Happy innocent children shout because school’s out (Burial Tomb), the epic violin of Tamara Goukassova shreds the toxic atmosphere (War, Black Dragonfish). To cut a long story short, Lonely Walk takes us right to Doomsday, but not the one we dread. The one we crave for, eyes wide open and dilated pupils, drinking a nice and cheap cocktail of liquid nitrogen.
One can think of Clinic, Soft Moon or A-Frames, but you must look towards Australia to find cousins to Lonely Walk, with bands like Eddy Current Suppression Ring or Total Control.
The album artwork representing a one-eyed skull hiding it shame behind hands was conceived by graphic designer Greg Vezon.